Tuesday, June 21, 2011

It's hot out there

I'm two weeks into this new goal, and I've learned a couple of things.

A. It's hot and humid out there

2.  I hate running (okay, I already knew that)

I wrote this part last week (I haven't yet figured out how to date posts by when I post them, not by when I start writing them.)

I know I just started on this journey, but I have to whine a bit.

Why is running so hard?  Is there something that I'm doing wrong?  I know that it's June, I live in the south, it's hot and humid, but I've been exercising indoors.

I tried to run this morning, hoping to at least match last weeks endurance run of 12 minutes of continuous running.  Despite the AC, the gym did feel a bit humid.  I noticed it while I was doing weight training for the first 30 minutes of my workout.  I hopped on the treadmill, walked for 3 minutes to warm up, and then started to run.  I didn't even make it 5 minutes of running before I was DYING.  Goodness gracious!  I could barely breath.  Why?  Why can't I go the same distance that I went 7 days ago?  I walked for a bit and tried again - nope.  Seriously painful.  I know I don't have a lot of followers yet, and I don't know if any of them are fitness experts, but this does seem to happen to me semi-regularly.  Some days, despite my intentions, it's just impossible to push myself to complete what I wanted to do as a workout.  I don't have similar issues with biking, it's really just the running.  Is this something I can improve?  How?  Any ideas?

So, I gave it a try again today.  I still really could only do about 5 minutes at a time.  I ended up doing sort of interval workout to get the distance in - run 5/walk (and I try to crank up the incline and walk at a decent clip).  I did do 1 minute at my goal pace (8 minute mile) - and it burned, oh man did it burn.  I can still feel that in my lungs - but maybe that's what I need.

I do feel like I'm making progress with the swim and bike, but the run is still my weakness.  At the moment I am just doing 1 intense workout a week with each discipline - I should probably add an extra run in there, but we've got busy schedules the next couple weeks, so it'll have to wait for a while.  And I'm not running outside right now.

Any experienced runners are welcome to comment w/ tips!

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